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Business Analytics Interview Questions | Day 3

Welcome to the 2nd Day of Business Analytics Interview Questions Quiz.
You can go through the question and answer for
Day 1 Here
Day 2 Here
The best answer to the quiz was provided by Raahul for both the days
Business Analytics Interview Questions

In this series, all you need to do is to go through the questions and try to attempt it with whatever knowledge you have.

Before or after you attempt the questions, do go through the complete road map about what you need to study to crack an analytics role. We have covered from 3rd year college student to 8 years of analytics or non-analytic experience. Make sure you understand where to emphasize more(after all by the end of the day you want to crack an interview)

Complete Roadmap for cracking an Analytics Role in the next 30 days

Now, coming back to our questions. Remember, these are the most asked questions in any interview, if you are shy to answer the questions in the comment section, then do make sure to Google the answer and jot it down in your notebook.

Business Analytics Interview Questions


  1. How do you extract a value from column that has a data type of JSON?
  2. How to convert date from yyyy-mm-dd to dd-mm-yyyy
  3. Difference between internal and external table in Hive?


  1. Print if a number/string is palindrome?
  2. Can we access values in a dictionary using index number ?

Case Study

  1. For a particular e-commerce business the number of supplier and user both have grown by 5% week over week, but the revenue has declined by 5 %, what could be the reason?

Machine Learning

  1. Explain multicollinearity ? And why should we avoid it?
  2. Explain null hypothesis?

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  1. YouTube channel covering all the interview-related important topics in SQL, Python, MS Excel, Machine Learning Algorithm, Statistics, and Direct Interview Questions
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    Link – The Data Monk website
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The Data Monk e-books

We know that each domain requires a different type of preparation, so we have divided our books in the same way:

1. 2200 Interview Questions to become Full Stack Analytics Professional – 2200 Most Asked Interview Questions
2.Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer -> 23 e-books covering all the ML Algorithms Interview Questions
3. 30 Days Analytics Course – Most Asked Interview Questions from 30 crucial topics

You can check out all the other e-books on our e-shop page – Do not miss it

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About TheDataMonkGrand Master

I am the Co-Founder of The Data Monk. I have a total of 6+ years of analytics experience 3+ years at Mu Sigma 2 years at OYO 1 year and counting at The Data Monk I am an active trader and a logically sarcastic idiot :)

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. SQL
    1. I have not worked with JSON yet, but searching tells me JSON_VALUE() can be used to get values from JSON string.

    1. checking if a string is a palindrome
    a = ‘hannah’
    print(a==””.join(reversed(a))) – True
    2. Yes
    d = {}
    d[‘a’] = 5
    d[‘b’] = 7
    d[‘c’] = 9
    values = list(d.values())
    print(values[2]) – 9

    Case Study
    Problem – number of supplier and user both have grown by 5% week over week, but the revenue has declined by 5 %, what could be the reason
    Question – what is the horizon of the decline? Have we made any updates to the app in recent times (related to UI etc.)
    1. Low conversion rate (people are not adding items to cart, possibly due to UI related or even pricing issues)
    2. High drop-off rates (people don’t buy after adding to cart)
    3. Bugs/Glitches in the app due to higher onboarding (simply looking out for technical issues, if any)
    4. Users find competition options better. Stickiness is low (we have one-time users, who do not buy again for very long).

    Machine Learning
    1. Multi-collinearity is when there are independent variables highly correlated to each other, which inflates the coefficients during linear regression. We should avoid it as it affects the interpretability and accuracy of the model. It can be looked out for by creating a correlation matrix and VIF values.
    2. Please explain null hypothesis to me in easier terms 🙂

    • Nice answer Raahul, one good point in case study is ‘Demand-Supply Mismatch’, there could be a possibility that the demand was more in the Northern part of India but supply was in Souther part, resulting in decline of revenue 🙂