Case Study for Data Science interviews is one of those areas which is mostly ignored but is of high importance. We need Analytics professionals in this world because they should talk to data and get insights to solve the business related problems. The analyst should understand the corresponding business and then act accordingly. To check the business understanding interviewer asks on an average 2-4 case studies in all the round combined.
A good feedback in these rounds can help you in the debrief 🙂
Solve these Case Study for Data Science interviews questions
- Restaurant optimization
- How does TVF makes money?
- How to increase the marketing of online games?
- How will you use the pins to describe in which way the disc is spinning?
- Given a set of webpages and changes on the website, how will you test the new website feature to determine if the change works positively?
- What is root cause analysis?
- How to identify a cause vs. a correlation? Give examples.
- Which machine learning algorithm can save them?
- How will you decide the types of playlists to suggest?
- Find out the proportion of boys to girls in the city.
- If you are having 4GB RAM in your machine and you want to train your model on a 10GB data set. How would you go about this problem?How would you design an experiment to determine the impact of latency on user engagement?
- What are the parameters it should consider to find the appropriate place?
- How do you think Google is training data for self-driving cars?
- If you are having 3GB RAM in your machine and you want to train your model on an 8GB data set. How would you go about this problem?
- What are the metrics to evaluate a website?
- How is the hiring manager round at Ola for Business Analyst Role?
- Design people you may know feature for Linkedin or Facebook.How can you use Digital marketing to create campaigns for the company?
- McDonald’s wants to open its first franchise in Singapore. As a Project Manager what all things you need to look into before stepping foot in Singapore?
- What kind of data is important for specific business requirements ?
- How to write test cases from requirements, do the requirements signify the exact functionality of AUT?
- How do you optimize delivery? How do you optimize the response?
- How will you change the UI of the game to increase the number of people buying coins from the shop section.
- You’re Uber and you want to design a heat map to recommend to drivers where to wait for a passenger. How would you approach this?
- I have two different experiments that both change the sign-up button to my website. I want to test them at the same time. What kinds of things should I keep in mind?
- How do you take millions of users with 100’s transactions each, amongst 10k’s of products and group the users together in meaningful segments?
- Should CSR activity be neccasory for every organization?
- How will you improve the “Users also bought” category in an online shopping website?
- How will you improve the “Users also bought” category in an online shopping website?
- How would you weigh a plane without a scale?
- How will you randomly sample out a point uniformly from a circle with a radius of 2 units?
- A building has 100 floors. Given 2 identical eggs, how can you use them to find the threshold floor? The egg will break from any particular floor above floor N, including floor N itself.
- Where do you see yourself in 10 years? The rise in global average temperature led to an increase in the number of cars selling around the world. Does that mean that an increase in the number of cars sold caused climate change?
- How do you optimize delivery?
- If we were testing product X, what metrics would you look at to determine if it is a success?
- The decline in the car sales has led to the pandemic in the country. Does it symbolise that pandemic caused a decline in car sales?
- After spending several hours, you are now anxious to build a high accuracy model. As a result, you build 5 GBM models, thinking a boosting algorithm would do the magic. Unfortunately, neither of the models could perform better than benchmark score. Finally, you decided to combine those models. Though, ensembled models are known to return high accuracy, but you are unfortunate. Where did you miss it?
- Find the no. of calls for each customer (i.e. call_to) after their first meaningful call?
- How will you improve the “Users also bought” category in an online shopping website?
- Suppose you have 100,000 files spread across multiple servers and you wanted to process all of them. How would you do that in Hadoop?
- How should you propose the promotional activities ?
For any help, issues, resume overview, buying books, reviewing courses, etc. You can email us at [email protected] or [email protected].
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