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Data Science vs Big Data vs Data Analytics vs Business Analyst

We often come across few terms which sounds no different but are poles apart. The same goes with Data Science, Big Data,Data Analytics, and Business Analyst. So if you are confused about the role which an employer is offering you, then this article is for you.

Data Science vs Big Data vs Data Analytics vs Business Analyst

Data Science deals with a lot of mathematics. This domain makes sure that you are sound in statistics and model implementation.

Requirement – Good in mathematics, Complete hands on Python/R, expertise in at least a couple of algorithms (Predictive modelling, NLP,Clustering, Neural Network, etc.). A degree in Mathematics/Statistics definitely helps. One of the best Data Scientist of India Rohan Rao has done his maters in Statistics from IIT Bombay

Things to do to become a Data Scientist – Conc. on Algorithms and Hackthons. Make your own winning combination and don’t forget to use XGBoost πŸ˜›

Big Data Specialist- It is a humongous amount of data stored in one place. A big data specialist knows the technology which would collapse in the future. He/She makes scalable infrastructure to cater high volume of data

Requirement – A Big Data Specialist should have good amount of experience in handling Multi TB per day data. This definitely comes with experience and you can’t learn it in a classroom course. A Big Data Specialist should have sound knowledge of building data pipelines, deploying algorithms/solution curated by Data Scientists and make the life of Data Analyst easier πŸ˜›

Data Analyst – A Data Analyst works on providing valuable insights to the business. SQL is the bread and butter of a Data Analyst. He is responsible to write optimised and efficient codes to cater the Business Requests.

A Data Analyst should have a decent knowledge of Data Science algorithms which would help him in understanding the data and providing meaningful insights. A little amount of mathematics never hurts.

Requirement – SQL, Python/R, PowerBI/Tableau,Statistics

Business Analyst – The job of a business analyst is to consume the solution provided by DA,DS, and BDS. He should have a decent knowledge of SQL and MS Excel in order to churn the numbers. Above all he should be able to consume the insights and take decisions based on the data

Requirement – Knack to solve complex business problems, SQL, MS Excel, and good communication skill

Salary wise (Person with 3 years of experience)

Data Science > Big Data Specialist > Data Analyst ~ Business Analyst
(This is too subjective and highly debatable)

Do look into the Job Description and Profile offered before going for an interview πŸ™‚

Keep Learning πŸ™‚
The Data Monk

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About TheDataMonkGrand Master

I am the Co-Founder of The Data Monk. I have a total of 6+ years of analytics experience 3+ years at Mu Sigma 2 years at OYO 1 year and counting at The Data Monk I am an active trader and a logically sarcastic idiot :)

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