Ridge and LASSO are two important regression models which comes handy when Linear Regression fails to work.This topic needed a different mention without it's important to understand COST function and the way it's calculated for Ridge,LASSO, and any ...
Continue readingLinear, LASSO, Elastic Net, and Ridge Regression in Layman terms (R) with complete code – Part 1
Linear, LASSO, Elastic Net, and Ridge Regression are the four regression techniques which are helpful to predict or extrapolate the prediction using the historic data. Linear doesn't have any inclination towards the value of lambda.LASSO ...
Continue readingOne Hot Encoding – Feature Engineering
So, I just started solving the latest Hackathon on Analytics Vidhya, Women in the loop . Be it a real-life Data Science problem or a Hackathon, one-hot encoding is one of the most important part of ...
Continue readingFeature Engineering in Data Science
Have you ever wondered why two different people gets different accuracy while using the same algorithm?We all know that XGBoost can help us get a very good result in our Hackathons, but then also only few people achieve ...
Continue readingCorrelation and Collinearity explained in layman terms
Correlation tells you have two numerical variables relate to each other. It will tell you whether data points that have a higher than average value for one variable will also likely have a higher than average value for ...
Continue readingWhat is the difference between forecasting and prediction?
Forecasting and Prediction are two different things. You always forecast weather, but never predict the weather. Forecasting is nothing but a extrapolation of the past. You have some historic data, and you ...
Continue readingExplain p-value in simple terms
p-value in simple termsIf you are into Data Science, then you must have heard about p-value.I could have started it with a very superficial definition strolling around probability and significance and null hypothesis, etc. But that's already there ...
Continue readingConfusion Matrix in Data Science, meaning and example
What is Confusion Matrix?Confusion Matrix is a performance measuring technique for ML Classification model.Why do we need Confusion Matrix? Is measuring accuracy not enough?Confusion Matrix suggests the actual accuracy of your model. For example. Suppose I want to ...
Continue readingMachine Learning using SQL – Day 6/100
The below article is the intellectual property of Ashish Kohli. This is one such article which actually powers the ability of SQL. Give it a read guys. Yes, you read that one right! One ...
Continue readingAda Boost Algorithm in Python
Gist of Adaptive boost Algorithm in layman's term - If you want to improve the performance of a class then you should concentrate on improving the average marks of the class. In order to increase the average marks ...
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