Predict who would visit your mall on this month?
A shopping mall owner has data of all its customers who visited in the year 2019 month-wise(Say in January 2019, the data would have all the names who visited the mall at least once). How can you predict how many of them would visit the mall at least once in January 2020?
in progress
Interview Question
55 years
1 Answer
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Answer ( 1 )
Since it is an open-ended question, there is no perfect answer to this question. Assuming no other customer data is available at the moment, this answer is written.
First, for every unique customer, a row is created with 12 columns corresponding to 12 months and 1 being the value taken by a variable if he/she visits that month. Assuming trends on January 2019 continue on January 2020 (which is a strong assumption), our dependent variable now is January 2019. A validation set is created aside, and the model is trained and evaluated. An ensemble of decision tree model would perform better. Finally, adding the dependent variable on all rows would give me the desired answer.