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Google Business Intelligence Analyst Interview Questions

Company – Google
Designation – Business Intelligence Analyst
Experience required – 2 to 5 years
Topics to prepare – SQL, Project related, Behavioral questions
Salary range – 30 to 45 LPA (Our student got an offer of 26 LPA Base + 4 LPA allowances + $60,000 stocks for 4 years
Google Business Intelligence Analyst Interview Questions

Google Business Intelligence Analyst Interview Questions

Interview Experience

I applied to the Google career page, no referrals or reaching out to the recruiter. The recruiter reached out to me via e-mail and scheduled a half-hour call to understand my expectations with the role. She also had a couple of SQL questions like (What is the difference between right and left join)

I had 3 rounds of interviews, in general, the interview time was mostly at the night.

Round 1 – Technical round
Difficulty level – Easy to moderate
I was asked to write simple SQL queries on a set of data. There was no IDE, you just have to write on a shared page/doc. The questions were simple and easy. You just have to communicate it well.

Some sample questions that you can practice:

Write a SQL query to find the second-highest salary in a company.
Write a SQL query to calculate the total revenue generated by each customer.
Write a SQL query to find the average order value per customer.
Write a SQL query to count the number of unique customers who made purchases last month.
Write a SQL query to identify the top 3 cities with the highest number of orders.
Write a SQL query to retrieve all customers who have placed more than 5 orders.
Write a SQL query to find the most popular product categories in terms of sales volume.
Write a SQL query to calculate the monthly growth rate in the number of new users.
Write a SQL query to find all customers who haven’t made a purchase in the last 6 months.
Write a SQL query to find the total sales for each product category in the current year.

Round 2 – Technical and coding round
Difficulty level – Easy to moderate

A very few coding logic questions, you can pick up any language or can discuss Psuedo code of the solution. Questions were more on the lines of pattern printing, Armstrong numbers, Factorial, etc.

SQL was again on the easier side. Take your time while solving questions and do keep on discussing the approach.

Round 3 – Hiring Manager Round (Behavioral Round)
This is the most important round and these questions are not very easy to answer. Practice the below questions

Problem Solving and Adaptability
These questions assess how you approach and overcome obstacles or changing situations.

Tell me about a time when you faced an unexpected challenge. How did you handle it?
Describe a situation where you had to learn something quickly to meet a deadline.
Tell me about a time when you had to work with incomplete data. How did you make a decision?
Can you describe a project where things didn’t go as planned? What steps did you take to fix the situation?

Teamwork and Collaboration
Google values collaboration and teamwork. These questions explore how you interact with others, especially cross-functional teams.

    Tell me about a time when you had to work with a difficult team member. How did you handle the situation?
    Describe a time when you worked on a cross-functional team. How did you ensure effective communication and collaboration?
    Give me an example of a time when you had to resolve a conflict between team members. What was your role?
    Describe a situation where you had to rely on others to achieve a goal. How did you ensure success?

    Leadership and Initiative

    Even for non-management roles, Google values leadership qualities like initiative and ownership.

      Tell me about a time when you led a project. What was the outcome?
      Describe a situation where you took ownership of a task or project without being asked.
      Tell me about a time when you motivated your team to achieve a difficult goal.
      Give me an example of when you had to make a tough decision without all the information available.

      Some more questions to practice

      1. SQL and Data Manipulation

      BI Analysts need to manipulate large datasets, so SQL proficiency is critical. You can expect in-depth questions and exercises related to SQL queries.

      • Sample Questions:
        • Write a SQL query to find the top 5 products with the highest sales.
        • How would you optimize a query that’s running slow?
        • How would you join two tables where one table has missing data?
        • Given a table of customer transactions, write a query to find repeat customers.

      2. Data Analysis and Interpretation

      You’ll need to demonstrate your ability to analyze datasets and extract actionable insights.

      • Sample Questions:
        • How would you analyze a dataset to find business trends?
        • Describe a time when you had to solve a complex data problem. How did you approach it?
        • Google is releasing a new product. How would you use data to measure its success?
        • How do you prioritize conflicting data requirements from different teams?

      3. Statistics and Data Modeling

      Some questions might assess your understanding of basic statistical concepts and their application in business scenarios.

      • Sample Questions:
        • Explain the difference between correlation and causation.
        • How do you handle missing or incomplete data?
        • What statistical methods would you use to predict customer churn?
        • How would you determine whether a new feature impacts user retention?

      4. Google-Specific Product Knowledge

      Understanding Google’s products, especially Google Analytics, BigQuery, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), is an advantage.

      • Sample Questions:
        • What is Google BigQuery, and how is it used in data analysis?
        • How would you integrate Google Analytics data with an internal database to generate insights?
        • Describe how you would build a dashboard to monitor key metrics for a Google product.

      5. Data Visualization Tools and Dashboards

      Google BI Analysts often present their findings to stakeholders, so questions about data visualization tools and best practices are common.

      • Sample Questions:
        • How do you choose the right visualizations to communicate data insights?
        • What tools have you used for building dashboards (e.g., Tableau, Looker)?
        • How would you visualize sales data for a non-technical audience?

      6. Behavioral and Problem-Solving Questions

      Google places a strong emphasis on behavioral interviews to assess cultural fit and problem-solving skills.

      • Sample Questions:
        • Tell me about a time when you disagreed with a colleague. How did you resolve the situation?
        • Describe a situation where you had to make a data-driven decision under time constraints.
        • How do you handle ambiguous data requests from stakeholders?
        • Give an example of a project where you had to work with cross-functional teams.

      7. Case Studies and Scenario-Based Questions

      You might be presented with real-world scenarios or case studies where you’ll need to provide recommendations based on data.

      • Sample Questions:
        • Google’s AdSense revenue has dropped in the last quarter. How would you investigate the cause using data?
        • If you notice that the click-through rate (CTR) is declining on a key product, how would you analyze the root cause?
        • How would you measure the impact of a marketing campaign for a new Google product?

      8. General Analytical Thinking

      Google often tests your problem-solving abilities by asking open-ended or brain-teaser-style questions.

      • Sample Questions:
        • How many queries are processed by Google every day?
        • How would you estimate the market size for Google Ads in a specific country?
        • What metrics would you use to assess the success of a new Google search feature?

      Preparation Tips:

      • Practice SQL queries—many interviews include a technical component with live coding or a take-home assignment.
      • Familiarize yourself with Google products like BigQuery, Google Analytics, and Looker.
      • Review basic statistics and be ready to apply concepts like hypothesis testing, A/B testing, regression, and probability.
      • Think about past projects where you’ve used data to drive decisions—prepare stories that demonstrate your problem-solving skills.

      Our services

      1. YouTube channel covering all the interview-related important topics in SQL, Python, MS Excel, Machine Learning Algorithm, Statistics, and Direct Interview Questions
        Link – The Data Monk Youtube Channel
      2. Website – ~2000 completed solved Interview questions in SQL, Python, ML, and Case Study
        Link – The Data Monk website
      3. E-book shop – We have 70+ e-books available on our website and 3 bundles covering 2000+ solved interview questions
        Link – The Data E-shop Page
      4. Instagram Page – It covers only Most asked Questions and concepts (100+ posts)
        Link – The Data Monk Instagram page
      5. Mock Interviews
        Book a slot on Top Mate
      6. Career Guidance/Mentorship
        Book a slot on Top Mate
      7. Resume-making and review
        Book a slot on Top Mate 

      The Data Monk e-books

      We know that each domain requires a different type of preparation, so we have divided our books in the same way:

      Data Analyst and Product Analyst -> 1100+ Most Asked Interview Questions

      Business Analyst -> 1250+ Most Asked Interview Questions

      Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer -> 23 e-books covering all the ML Algorithms Interview Questions

      Full Stack Analytics Professional2200 Most Asked Interview Questions

      The Data Monk – 30 Days Mentorship program

      We are a group of 30+ people with ~8 years of Analytics experience in product-based companies. We take interviews on a daily basis for our organization and we very well know what is asked in the interviews.
      Other skill enhancer websites charge 2lakh+ GST for courses ranging from 10 to 15 months.

      We only focus on making you a clear interview with ease. We have released our Become a Full Stack Analytics Professional for anyone in 2nd year of graduation to 8-10 YOE. This book contains 23 topics and each topic is divided into 50/100/200/250 questions and answers. Pick the book and read it thrice, learn it, and appear in the interview.

      We also have a complete Analytics interview package
      2200 questions ebook (Rs.1999) + 23 ebook bundle for Data Science and Analyst role (Rs.1999)
      4 one-hour mock interviews, every Saturday (top mate – Rs.1000 per interview)
      4 career guidance sessions, 30 mins each on every Sunday (top mate – Rs.500 per session)
      Resume review and improvement (Top mate – Rs.500 per review)

      About TheDataMonkGrand Master

      I am the Co-Founder of The Data Monk. I have a total of 6+ years of analytics experience 3+ years at Mu Sigma 2 years at OYO 1 year and counting at The Data Monk I am an active trader and a logically sarcastic idiot :)

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