Difference between SQL and NoSQL
There are two types of databases that are used predominantly across all the domains. Your organization might be using SQL or NoSQL or both. You might hear about these types of databases from the data engineers/engineering manager in your team
Let’s discuss the difference between SQL and NoSQL one by one

Difference between SQL and NoSQL
- Let’s assume you are creating a database for a small school/class and you already know what are the columns you need and the datatype associated with the columns. You alos understand that you need keys which needs to be in relation to other tables, then you need SQL database as these are Relational Databases
NoSQL on the other hand is Non-relational database and you use such databases when you data is unstructured, you are not sure about the fileds which you need to extract from the complete dump.
Example running an app like Amazon, you can not have a definite definition to all the fields which you want to extract from the user’s clickstream data. So, one solution could be to store every thing in a key-value pair or a graph database and then retrieve the data. - SQL databases are table-based on the other hand NoSQL databases are either key-value pairs, document-based, graph databases or wide-column stores
- SQL follows an ACID property where as NoSQL believes in CAP theorem (Consistency, Availability and Partition tolerance)
- There is one catch in using NoSQL i.e. you can not write complex queries on these databases, why? because the data itself is un-structured and when you have Big Data that too and unstructed one, then you can not fire a complex query(it won’t run)
SQL – The tables are sorted, you can use comeplxe queries - Scalability – In almost all situations SQL databases are vertically scalable. This means that you can increase the load on a single server by increasing things like RAM, CPU or SSD. But on the other hand NoSQL databases are horizontally scalable.
This means that you handle more traffic by sharding, or adding more servers in your NoSQL database. - SQL = MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server.
NoSQL = MongoDB, BigTable, Redis, RavenDB Cassandra, HBase, Neo4j, and CouchDB

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SQL Quick revision Videos
- Fetch Duplicate Rows in SQL – https://youtu.be/MGHNrxsHKcg
- Like Operator in sql – https://youtu.be/IqMMbH6Jw0w
- Substring and Replace in SQL – https://youtu.be/Pzb9tBdXKyc
- Aggregate Functions in SQL – https://youtu.be/6H5neKpUz9E
- Cumulative Sum in SQL – https://youtu.be/COEEGPXjNbk
- Row number() in SQL – https://youtu.be/1actE8UL4yM
- Ntile() – https://youtu.be/xbjyXk7oSdY
- Rank vs Dense Rank – https://youtu.be/f32Yne_4G00
- Where vs Having – https://youtu.be/rtZpbyyQtVk
- Lead and Lag – https://youtu.be/U_OQD3XpagQ
- Joins – https://youtu.be/_V38OgS1s5M
- Keys – https://youtu.be/yPZG6qurO_Q
- 1NF and 2NF – https://youtu.be/7CyxIOj9zTs
- 3 NF and BCNF – https://youtu.be/VuJ7gnaas5k
- Most Asked Interview Questions – https://youtu.be/UGTsPRUIkYg
- Odd even rows – https://youtu.be/-tLTAuvHAU0
- Delete vs Truncate vs Drop in SQL – https://youtu.be/cSM86aZRhMo
- SQL Tricky Analytics Interview Questions – https://youtu.be/MRgZKeYx1NY
- Binary Tree in SQL – https://youtu.be/oAD-YUafmB8
- Joins Advance Interview Questions – https://youtu.be/pf_RdiCBQw4
- Facebook SQL Interview Questions – https://youtu.be/LDYdcH82IO0
- Tricky SQL Interview Questions Part 2 – https://youtu.be/B8Zy9bcqai0
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