To understand the performance of a model you need to start with Confusion matrix. If you have escaped it below, then you can go through it again. A confusion matrix is a summary of prediction ...
Continue readingBefore you start Modeling – Feature Engineering
Feature Engineering is one place where you have to put in a lot of efforts. In the beginning of any project, you will have very less data, but then you need to dig in and torture the data ...
Continue readingWhat are training and test datasets?
Suppose you have 1000 rows of data and you want to make a model to predict whether a person is suffering from Thyroid. There are 15 columns with 15th one being a binary variable of 0(Normal) and 1 ...
Continue readingSupervised Learning Overview
window.dojoRequire(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"","uuid":"e278f0e036c94ada952fffdf7","lid":"91b05372c4","uniqueMethods":true}) }) The word "Supervised" means monitoring. A supervised learning algorithm is one in which you train a data set on output and then the model takes up these ...
Continue readingWhat is Machine Learning?
Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, etc. If you are regular with news, then you must have heard a lot about these words. Let's try to understand things with examplesWhat is Big Data?In 1990s the size of data ...
Continue readingVisualization in Python Part 2
We have already plotted some basic graphs. Now it's time to plot some more graphs:- Line Histogram Now let’s create a line histogram with some random dataimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np ...
Continue readingVisualizations in Python
Data visualization is the discipline of trying to understand data by placing it in a visual context so that patterns, trends and correlations that might not ...
Continue readingReading and Writing files in Python
You always have to read and write files when working for a company or Hackathon. So, it's necessary to know how to read different types of files.Let's start the boring but important partThe most important command to open ...
Continue readingTricky Interview Questions (Python)
The reason why I put interview questions as the title of a lot of posts is because:-1. It makes you click on the post2. It makes you feel ...
Continue readingFunctions in Python
Welcome to the world of Functions. This is undoubtedly the most important topic of your Data Science career :PFunction will make your life easy and your peer's life easier !!Toh shuru karte hain, bina kisi bakchodi ke(Let's start ...
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