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Data Science is one of those domains which are less explored in colleges but is in high demand in the I.T. sector.The combination of Maths and Technology makes it even more interesting. I have been working as a ...

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install.packages("stringr")library(stringr) data = read.csv("C:/Users/User/Desktop/Hackathon/JantaHack/train.csv")head(data)str(data) data$product <- str_count(data$ProductList,";")+1head(data)data$hours <- with(data, difftime(endTime,startTime,units="hours") )data$min <- with(data, difftime(endTime,startTime,units="mins") )data$x <- as.double(data$endTime - data$startTime, units = "mins") table(data$product)hist(data$product) table(data$gender)count <- table(data$gender,data$product)barplot(count)str(data)head(data$ET)head(data$endTime)

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