Zomato Interview Questions | Seasonality


How can you deal with different types of seasonality in time series modeling? Also, mention a few examples to support your answer.

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Dhruv2301 55 years 1 Answer 1025 views Great Grand Master 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Seasonality – recurring but not necessarily periodic data patterns, capturing true seasonality greatly enhances model accuracy,
    We can deal seasonality in majorly two ways:
    1. With simple statistical methods
    2. Tuning based on modeling results

    The statistical method involves:
    a. De-trending data with a centered moving average the size of the estimated seasonality.
    b. Isolating the seasonal component with one moving average per relevant time-step

    Tuning based on modeling involves:
    a. Seasonal-ARIMA models
    b. Fourier series model where seasonality based of linear combination of sine and cosine terms
    c. Exponential Smoothing models

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