what is the difference between NVL and NVL2 functions?


With example

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TheDataMonk 55 years 3 Answers 2492 views Grand Master 0

Answers ( 3 )

  1. NVL() takes 2 parameters whereas NVL2()
    takes 3 parameters

    expr1 is the source value or expression that may
    contain null.
    expr2 is the target value for converting the null.
    If expr1 is null then it will be replaced with expr2 in that particular column

    This function examines expr1.
    If expr1 is not null, then expr2 is returned.
    If expr1 is null, then expr3 is returned.

  2. NVL = Null Value Functions

    syntax :

    Bookish Definition: If expression1 is not NULL, then expression1 is returned. If expression1 is NULL then expression2 is returned. In general, the return type will be that of the first expression

    Understand by Example.
    NVL(‘student_marks’,0) : student_marks = 33 : o/p = 33
    NVL(‘student_marks’,0) : student_marks = NULL : o/p = 0
    NVL(‘student_marks’,NULL) : student_marks = 33 : o/p = 33
    NVL(‘student_marks’,NULL) : student_marks = NULL : o/p = NULL

    syntax : NVL2(expression1, expression2, expression3)

    Bookish definition :
    Expression1 is the one that will be evaluated. If it is not null, then expression2 is returned. If it is null then expression3 is returned.
    The first expression in NVL2 is never returned, it is only used to determine whether expression2 must be returned, or expression3.

    Understand by Example :
    O/P : student_marks because first expression in NVL2 is never returned, it is only used to determine whether expression2 must be returned, or expression3.

    SELECT NVL2(NULL, ‘student_rank’, ‘student_IQ’) FROM students
    O/P : student_IQ

    O/P : student_rank

    NVL2(‘student_marks’,NULL,’student_IQ’) ;
    O/P : student_IQ

  3. A) NVL(source_value,value_when_source_is_null) : It evaluates the source_value and if it is null, it returns the value provided in second argument of the function.

    Eg: Select Name , NVL(dept,’Not Assigned’)
    From Employees;
    C|Not Assigned

    B)NVL2(source_value,value_when_source_is_not_null,value_when_source_is_null) : It evaluates the source_value.If it is not null , it returns the value provided in second argument of the function and when it is null , third argument value is returned.

    Eg: Select Name , NVL2(dept,’Assigned’,’Not Assigned’)
    From Employees;
    C|Not Assigned

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