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The Data Monk
This page is dedicated to our feedbacks. Comments we receive from various users and their opinion about the portal.

We started the Q&A on The Data Monk in June,2020. Our aim was to provide study materials and interview questions to those who are facing difficulty in cracking an interview despite having a good amount of knowledge.
Before this Q&A template, we had a simple blog with the same domain name.
We already had 30+ e-books on Amazon by 2020.

You can post your feedback in the comment section of this page. We would love to hear from you 🙂

Our Amazon reviews:-

Our team receives regular compliment on our questions, articles and mails. Will try to collate it and put a few over here

Below are some stats of where we are 🙂

We enrolled to Google Analytics to start analyzing our website’s performance in June 2020.
We get around 1000 clicks per day, our website runs no advertisement and we won’t enroll for Google Adsense unless there is an absolute cash crunch for our bootstrapped

We will keep on adding things 🙂

Thank you for helping us with all the much needed motivation.

The Data Monk