SQL Interview Questions | OFFSET Command Problem
Sometimes you are not given a problem, but are asked to create one along with the solution. You will understand this concept through the next question.
What is the function of OFFSET command? You might know the definition but create a scenario where you have to make use of it. Also, can the same process be done with any other method?
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55 years
5 Answers
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Answers ( 5 )
OFFSET command is used to skip rows from the results which has
been fetched from the query.
Suppose we have a table and we want to fetch all the rows apart
from the first 5 rows, then we can use OFFSET command.
An alternate method to do similar kind of operation would be to use
the Row_Number() window function. This function assigns a unique
row number to every record in the table starting from 1. Using this
column we can impose the condition with the help of the ‘WHERE’ clause.
OFFSET command is used to skip rows from the results.
Best example/Scenario : lets find the third highest salary without using any sub -query.
select * from table order by salary desc limit 1 offset 2;
Alternate Solutions : you all may know
select * from (select *,dense_rank() over (order by salary desc) as d_rank from table) t where t.d_rank=3;
Good Luck 🙂
OFFSET() function is used in sql to skip a certain number of rows and get the values after that.
To skip the first 10 products and return the rest, you use the OFFSET clause as shown in the following statement:
The offset argument helps us to Decide the starting point to return rows from a result set. Generally, It s used to skip a set of rows.
Offset Cannot be used On its own, It can be used only with OrderBy Clause.
Offset Values have to be always positive.
Example: Suppose you have 50 customers , U want to see the customer details from 11 to 20?
Sol: Select *from table
Order By SI.No
Limit 10 Offset 10;
RowNumber Command also does the same work as OFFSET command with the help of Where Command.
OFFSET() is used to skip a certain number of rows in the result.
If you want to skip first 3 rows, you just give ‘OFFSET 3’.
There is another way to do exactly as what OFFSET does.
Window Functions.
By using window functions like ROW_NUMBER() and RANK()/DENSE_RANK(), we can skip the rows with WHERE condition.