SAP interview Questions | Grouping Users
Suppose you’re given millions of users that each have hundreds of transactions and these millions of transactions are for tens of thousands of products. How would you group the users together in meaningful segments?
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55 years
3 Answers
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Answers ( 3 )
We can group in the following manners:
1. A group of products with their counts of transaction
2. Employees in the rows, products in the column, and values of cells can be sum, average or count of transactions
3. We can just reverse the order and get the transaction values of all products made by users- rows as a distinct products, columns as distinct users, cell values can be any aggregate function on the transaction
1) Calculate total amount of transactions for every user and then group the users as high spending,
moderate spending and Low spending.
2) Group the users by the volume of the products they have ordered.
We can use this data for Customer Segmentation
1. Based on the expenditure, how much they spend i.e. Monetary part
2. Based on the product/Category of item they choose.
This will help us in providing recommendations to customer