Zomato Interview Questions | False Negative
Is it better to have too many false negatives or too many false positives?
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55 years
2 Answers
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Answers ( 2 )
Depends on the problem you are solving.
If you are modeling for spam detection, having too many false positives
won’t be a good scenario as many of the important emails can be classified as spam.
Whereas, if you are modeling for a fraud detection, having too many false negatives
will come at a greater cost as you will end up not detecting many of the frauds.
Usually the answer of this question depends upon the type of problem we are solving.
for eg: Cancer Disease Prediction problem here our aim is to reduce False Negative as large number of False Negative will not be a good scenarios.
for eg : Spam Detection problem here our aim is to reduce False positive as we do not want to mark any important as spam as this will leads to loss of information.