What is the difference between subset() and sample() function in R?


Explain with simple example

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Ritika Sohal 55 years 2 Answers 2314 views Member 0

Answers ( 2 )

  1. Sample () function can be used to select a random sample of size ā€˜nā€™ from a huge dataset.
    Subset () function is used to select variables and observations from a given dataset.
    Eg: (sample)
    [1] a b c d e f g h i j
    [1] a c b f e i

    Eg: (subset)
    name age
    1 Karan 23
    2 Akash 27
    3 Shweta 19
    4 Aman 22
    [1] 23 27 19 22

  2. Subset Function in R, returns subset of dataframe, vectors or matrices which meet the specified conditions.
    subset(x, condition,select)
    x ā€“ can be a matrix ,data frame or vector
    condition- condition to be satisfied
    select ā€“ columns to be selected
    newdata=30, select=c(mpg,cyl,gear))
    Above code selects cars, mpg, cyl, gear from mtcars table where mpg >=30 so the output will be
    mpg cyl gear
    fiat 30.4 4 5
    civic 32.6 4 5
    corolla 33.5 4 5
    Lotus 37.9 4 5

    Sample() function in R, generates a sample of the specified size from the data set or elements, either with or without replacement.
    sample(x, size, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL)
    x- Data Set or a vector of one or more elements from which sample is to be chosen
    size- size of a sample
    replace- Should sampling be with replacement?
    prob- probability weights for obtaining the elements of the vector being sampled

    sample(1:20, 10, replace=TRUE)
    When we run the above code the output will be
    6 8 12 19 5 18 19 14 13 2

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