SQL Query | Level – Basic 3
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Get all the employee detail from EmployeeDetail table
whose “FirstName” starts with A and contain 5 letters
Answers ( 3 )
select * from employee where lower(ename) like ‘a%’ and len(ename)=5;
Since we know that FirstName will start from A so using like ‘%a’ is wrong/redundant. Also the total length of the FirstName is 5 letters , so rest of the 4 letters are _ (4 underscore). The underscore character ( _ ) represents a single character to match a pattern. More than one ( _ ) underscore characters can be used to match a pattern of multiple characters.
select * from EmployeeDetail WHERE FirstName LIKE ‘A____’
select * from employee
where UPPER(first_name) like ‘A%’ and len(first_name)=5;