
which join is used to join a table with itself

  • Inner join
  • full join
  • self join

does the virtual table created occupy space for the operation to joining with itself?

solved 1
Hemant Singh 55 years 1 Answer 1245 views Member 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Self JOIN: It is a regular join, but the table is joined with itself.

    Explanation: Self-join will create a virtual table that is a copy of the table itself to join which last for the moment of operation and doesn’t occupy any extra space, as the table is a copy of the existing table.

    Best answer
  2. Q. which join is used to join a table with itself?
    Inner join
    full join
    self join
    Answer : Self Join
    Reason : Self-join is a join in which a table is joined with itself which last for the operation duration and doesn’t occupy any extra space, as the table is just a reference to the existing table.

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