I have an app with 5 pages before a person checks out. How to identify why the conversion is only 4%?
Reasons for low conversion rate of an app which sells raw meat in India.
Think through different parameters which could be the main issue
in progress
Case Study
55 years
5 Answers
Grand Master 0
Answers ( 5 )
Following parameters could be an issue:
App related issues:
1. Click to Action button is not visible properly or is too generic
2. App is not user friendly.
3. There may be technical glitches in the app.
4. Navigation between the 5 pages may not be user friendly.
Business related issues:
1. Targeting wrong audience
2. Poor sales or promotion strategy
3. Service issues
4. Price higher than competitors
A few clarification questions-
1. Since when has the conversion rate been dropping? Does it drop like this seasonally?
2. Has the drop been sudden, or gradual?
3. Is the conversion rate alarmingly low?
4. Were there any updates or bugs in recent times?
Let us divide the potential reasons into two factors – internal and external
External reasons-
1. Poor targeting and activation, contributing to low or irrelevant CTR.
2. Launch of competitors or marketing blitz by existing competing brands
3. Customer feedback ratings low.
Internal / App-based reasons-
1. UI UX related – due to updates or bugs
2. Long conversion tunnel – 5 pages a lot for reaching the final cart.
1. Lengthy app, poor UI with unnecessary navigation
2. Late delivery slots
3. Higher price
4. Issue with freshness maybe not much description of the product given to judge the freshness of the item.
5. Reviews of the product are not good
6. App operation issues
7. Not having wider payment gateway options
8. Not delivering in locations that have demand
9. Quantity Options not flexible
10. Less Product Variety
There are various possibilities for a low conversion rate of the app. Some of them are mentioned below.
-poor navigation
-poor filtering and sorting
-unsatisfactory UI design
-improper target audience
-not good enough ratings
-customers don’t love the services provided
-high competitive prices
-checkout is difficult
-late deliveries
-improper recommender system
-low offerings of discounts or cash coupons considering competitively
-no proper interaction of the customers with the service providers
Conversion rate means that out og the people who visited the app, how many took an action.
To know the reason(s) for low conversion rate, we first need to understand the root cause behind it. It may be-
1. Difficulty in navigating on the app which reduces the time spent on app
2. In order to add too many features, users are unable to to the simple functions. For eg- Salesforce,Discord sometimes.
3. UI/UX might not be seamless for the user due to left-side navigation. Poor accesibility of buttoms.
4. The five pages before checkout is too much waiting time which results in user closing the app.