How to identify given data is structured or unstructured


How do you say given data is structed or unstructured

1.let us assume i have given 20k rows and 3 columns in this first column is review text and second column is rating and third column is sentiment class ..

2.In sentiment class positive class will be around 12k and negative class will be 5k and neutral class will be 3k …

3. Tell me the what type of preprocess techiques you will use and how to make structure form

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anilkrishna1000 55 years 1 Answer 774 views Member 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. From the above scenerio the given data structure is unstuctured why because the given sentiment classes are positive 12k and negative 5k and neutral 3k ..there must be data inbalanced in we try to build ML Model it will show a lot of difference precesion and recall…

    so we have to apply under sampling technique to positive class and make it 5k and build ML model

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