How many Paan Shops are there in India?


Try to estimate the number of paan shops.
Points to consider:-
-Geography of the country

Try to add any extra layer other than above mentioned ones

in progress 1
TheDataMonk 55 years 2 Answers 1553 views Grand Master 0

Answers ( 2 )

  1. On an average, there are 345 outlets for a population of one lakh, and paan shops constitute over 15-20% of this number.

    Time taken to make 1 pan = 2min -> 30 in 1 hour

    Lets pan shop opens for 10 hours -> 30*10 = 300 pan

    0–15 -> Neglect this section
    16–22 -> 15% of 700Mn
    = 105Mn -> 5Mn ( This is the college age & as per my own college scenario 5 students consume pan out of the 100)
    23–50 -> 35%of 700Mn
    = 240 Mn -> 20% people consume -> .2*240 -> 48Mn
    51–80 -> 20% of 700Mn
    =140Mn -> older age, various problems like in teeth -> .05*140
    -> 7Mn

    Total demand of pan = 12+5+48+7 = 72 Mn

  2. Rural areas in India house up to almost 70% of the total population as per the geographic concern of the country.
    The total population of the country is 1366 million which we will consider approximately as 1300 million.
    Based on gender, we have 700 million males and 600 million females.
    People in rural areas tend to consume more paans as compared to those in urban areas. So, we will consider both cases separately.

    In rural areas:

    Female in India consuming paan on a regular basis = 2%
    Males in India consuming paan on a regular basis classified on the basis of age:
    0-15: almost negligible
    15-25: 2%
    25-45: 5%
    45-60: 8%
    60+: 2%

    The population of female=0.7*600 million approximately 400 million
    The population of males=0.7*700 approximately 500 million

    Females consuming paan = 0.02*400 = 8 million
    Males consuming paan = (0.02+0.05+0.08+0.02)*500 = 85 million

    In urban areas:

    Female in India consuming paan on a regular basis = 1%
    Males in India consuming paan on a regular basis classified on the basis of age:
    0-25: almost negligible
    25-45: 3%
    45-60: 2%
    60+: 1%

    The population of female= approximately 300 million
    The population of males= approximately 200 million

    Females consuming paan = 0.01*300 = 3 million
    Males consuming paan = (0.03+0.02+0.01)*200 = 12 million

    Total demand = (8+85+3+12) million = 108 million

    Average time to make a paan = 2 minutes
    Number of paans that can be made in an hour = 30

    The average number of hours for which a paan shop opens = 10 hours
    The average number of paans made by 1 shop in a day = 30*10=300

    Number of pan shops required to fulfil the demand of 108 million paans = 108000000/300 = 3,60,000 (approximately)

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