Define RDBMS and give example, also define the difference between Data Ware house and Database


These types of subjective questions are generally asked to understand your database knowledge at an uber level.
Try to give real life example

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TheDataMonk 55 years 2 Answers 901 views Grand Master 0

Answers ( 2 )

  1. A database is a collection of related data which represents some elements of the real world and it is used to record the data. A data warehouse is an information system which stores historical and commutative data from single or multiple sources. It is designed to analyse, report, integrate transaction data from different sources.

    A relational database management system (RDBMS) is a database management system that is based on a relational model. The relational model uses the basic concept of a relation or table. Example is MySQL, Oracle Database, PostgreSQL

  2. RDBMS is a relational data base management system. Database systems like SQL server, Oracle, MySQL are based on RDBMS. Data in RDBMS is stored in tables. RDMS is the most popular database system out there. SQL is used as the primary language for storing, maintaining and manipulating the data. Other database systems are NOSQL, Network database, Hierarchical database.

    Data warehouses and databases are both relational data systems, but were built to serve different purposes.
    – A data warehouse is built to store large quantities of historical data and enable fast, complex queries across all the data, typically using Online Analytical Processing (OLAP).
    – A database is built to store current transactions and enable fast access to specific transactions for ongoing business processes, known as Online Transaction Processing (OLTP).

    Databases use entity-relationship (ER) data model while Data warehouse uses either a star or snowflake model.

    Database Use Cases:
    -Database use cases are related to the day-to-day transactional requirements in an organization. Some examples of database applications include:
    – An airline using an online booking system
    – A hospital registering a patient
    – A bank adding an ATM withdrawal transaction to an account

    Data Warehouse Use Cases:
    Data warehouse use cases focus on providing high-level reporting and analysis that lead to more informed business decisions. Use cases include:
    – Conducting market research by analyzing large volumes of data in-depth
    – An online business analyzing user behavior to make business decisions

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