Create a table Salary with following column and data and Write a query using above tables to display the Emp_no, name and net salary of each employee of a particular month
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Create a table Salary with the following column and data and Write a query using above tables to display the Emp_no, name and net salary of each employee of a particular month
Answer ( 1 )
2 (
3 Emp_no number
4 (3) NOT NULL,
5 Basic decimal
6 (10,2) DEFAULT NULL,
7 DA decimal
8 (10,2) DEFAULT NULL,
9 Deduction decimal
10 (10,2) DEFAULT NULL,
11 Salary_Date date NOT NULL,
12 FOREIGN KEY (Emp_no) REFERENCES employee(Emp_no_PrimaryKey)
13 );
Table created.
SQL> INSERT INTO Salary VALUES(101, 25000.00, 5000.00, 2500.00, ’30-Jun-2011′);
1 row created.
SQL> INSERT INTO Salary VALUES(102, 50000.00 ,10000.00 ,5000.00 ,’30-Jun-2011′);
1 row created.
SQL> INSERT INTO Salary VALUES(103, 30000.00 ,6000.00 ,3000.00, ’30-Jun-2011′);
1 row created.
SQL> INSERT INTO Salary VALUES(104 ,35000.00, 7000.00 ,35000.00 ,’30-Jun-2011′);
1 row created.
SQL> INSERT INTO Salary VALUES(105 ,40000.00 ,8000.00 ,4000.00 ,’30-Jun-2011′);
1 row created.
SQL> INSERT INTO Salary VALUES(101 ,26000.00, 5200.00, 2600.00 ,’31-Jul-2011′);
1 row created.
SQL> INSERT INTO Salary VALUES(102, 52000.00, 14000.00, 5200.00, ’31-Jul-2011′);
1 row created.
SQL> INSERT INTO Salary VALUES(103, 31000.00, 6200.00, 3100.00, ’31-Jul-2011′);
1 row created.
SQL> INSERT INTO Salary VALUES(104, 38000.00, 7400.00, 3800.00, ’31-Jul-2011′);
1 row created.
SQL> INSERT INTO Salary VALUES(105, 41000.00, 8200.00, 4100.00, ’31-Jul-2011′);
1 row created.
SQL> ALTER TABLE salary ADD(NET_SALARY decimal(10,2));
Table altered.
SQL> UPDATE salary SET net_salary=Basic+DA-Deduction;
10 rows updated.
SQL> select * from salary;
SQL> select employee.emp_no, emp_name, basic from employee,salary where employee.emp_no=salary.emp_no;