Amazon Interview Question | What percentage of value lies between Mean and one Standard deviation(both positive and negative)



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TheDataMonk 55 years 18 Answers 3543 views Grand Master 0

Answers ( 18 )

  1. Approximately 68 % of values lie between 1 standard deviation in both positive
    and negative directions.

    The normal distribution is generally associated with the 68-95-99.7 rule.
    To learn about the mathematical derivations from where those figures
    arrive, you can refer the following post.

    Best answer
  2. In a normal distribution, generally
    68% of the values lie between Mean and One Standard Deviation i.e between (Mean-SD, Mean+SD)
    95% values lie between Mean and two Standard Deviation (Mean-2SD, Mean+2SD)
    99.7% values lie between Mean and three Standard Deviation (Mean-3SD, Mean+3SD)

    SD is Standard Deviation

  3. 68% of the values lie between the mean and 1 standard deviation in both positive and negative direction of the mean

  4. 68% of the values lie between the mean and 1 standard deviation in both positive and negative direction of the mean

  5. Approximately 68% of values lie between mean and one standard deviation in both positive and negative directions.

  6. Approximately 68%%

  7. Empirical Rule of Normal distribution-
    The percentage of data that falls within specific standard deviation from mean:
    68% – Mean+/- 1 S.D.
    95% – Mean +/- 2 S.D.
    99.7% – Mean+/- 3 S.D

  8. 68% of the values lie between Mean and One Standard Deviation
    95% values lie between Mean and two Standard Deviation
    99.7% values lie between Mean and three Standard Deviation

  9. 68% if the data follows normal distribution

  10. One sigma range is 68%
    two sigma is 95%
    3 sigma is 99.7%

  11. 68% – Mean+/- sigma

  12. According to the general 68-95-99 rule, 68.27% of the observations lie within one standard deviation of the mean, 95.45% of the observations lie within two standard deviations of the mean, and 99.73% of the observations lie within three standard deviations of the mean (both positive and negative).

  13. The empirical rule or the 68-95-99.7 rule tells you where most of the value lie in a normal distribution.
    According to this rule
    68.27% of the values lie between Mean and One Standard Deviation in both positive and negative directions.
    95.45% values lie between Mean and two Standard Deviation in both positive and negative directions.
    99.73% values lie between Mean and three Standard Deviation in both positive and negative directions.

  14. Cant’ say
    This question is tricky .They have not mentioned that it is normal distribution.

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