Amazon Interview Question | What is NTILE with syntax?


With example and use case

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TheDataMonk 55 years 3 Answers 1706 views Grand Master 1

Answers ( 3 )

  1. NTILE() function distributes the rows in an ordered partition into specific
    number of groups.It assigns each group a bucket number starting from one.
    For Example,
    NTILE(10) will divide the 100 rows into 10 groups, with each group
    consisting of 10 rows.
    If the groups are not equally divided, the function will set more rows
    to the starting groups and less to the following groups.

    Now, suppose we have employee table with 2 columns as
    empname and salary and having 6 records.
    The following query will divide those 6 rows into 3 buckets
    and number them as 1, 2 and 3 according to their salary.

    SELECT empname,
    NTILE (3) OVER (
    ORDER BY salary DESC
    ) buckets
    FROM employees;

  2. The SQL Server NTILE() is a window function that distributes rows of an ordered partition into a specified number of approximately equal groups, or buckets. It assigns each group a bucket number starting from one. For each row in a group, the NTILE() function assigns a bucket number representing the group to which the row belongs.

    The syntax of the NTILE() function is as follows:

    NTILE(buckets) OVER (
    [PARTITION BY partition_expression, … ]
    ORDER BY sort_expression [ASC | DESC], …

  3. NTILE() function divides rows in a sorted partition into a specific number of groups.
    Each group will be assigned a bucket number starting at one.
    For each row, the NTILE() function returns a bucket number representing the group to which the row belongs.

    NTILE(n) OVER (
    PARTITION BY expression
    ORDER BY expression [ASC|DESC],

    n is a positive integer which ranges from 1 to n

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