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Category : SQL

SQL related questions

There are two tables A,B with 5 rows A - 1,2,3,4,5 B - 1,2,3,Null,Null What will be the output when you do -Left -Right -Cross -Inner Join
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55 years 4 Answers 851 views Grand Master

I have a table student with only one column i.e. Roll No. The values in the table are 10 20 10 10 20 There are in total 3 repetitive values i.e. 10 is repeated two extra times and 20 is repeated one ...
solved 6
55 years 62 Answers 2434 views Grand Master

Suppose a employee timesheet table is given, which has attributes emp_id, emp_status (IN/OUT only), swipe_time(which records date and time both when the card is swiped). Write a SQL query to find total number of employees who are inside the office ...
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Anonymous 55 years 1 Answer 1271 views