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Category : SQL

SQL related questions

SQL Case Study: Social Media Features: Country: Country Rank: Rank Account: Account Title: Title Link: Instagram Page Category: Category Authentic Engagement: Authentic Engagement Engagement Avg: Engagement Avg Scrapped Date: Scrapped Date Data Set: Excel File (Link: Click Here)
Anonymous 55 years 0 Answers 733 views

SQL Case Study: Social Media Features: Country: Country Rank: Rank Account: Account Title: Title Link: Instagram Page Category: Category Authentic Engagement: Authentic Engagement Engagement Avg: Engagement Avg Scrapped Date: Scrapped Date Data Set: Excel File (Link: Click Here)
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Anonymous 55 years 0 Answers 646 views

SQL Case Study: Social Media Features: Country: Country Rank: Rank Account: Account Title: Title Link: Instagram Page Category: Category Authentic Engagement: Authentic Engagement Engagement Avg: Engagement Avg Scrapped Date: Scrapped Date Data Set: Excel File (Link:
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Anonymous 55 years 0 Answers 825 views

Table - Incidents Column Date_of_incidence , incidents Get the start date with the longest period without any incidence  
55 years 0 Answers 1215 views Grand Master

Q: We have a product. It’s screen and event data is as below: Screen Name  Event Name  Timestamp A                        1                      ...
55 years 0 Answers 690 views Newbie

Q: We have CUSTOMER table having columns as Customer_Name, Merchant_name (Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra etc.) and Transaction_value (Purchase value for each of these merchants). Write a query to Transpose this into Customer Name, Merchant Names as individual columns and their transaction ...
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55 years 0 Answers 774 views Newbie

Q: We have a CUSTOMER table having columns as Cust_ID, Month, Sales_value. Write a SQL query to add the missing months for each customer and to have sales value = 0, corresponding to those missing months which are added
in progress 2
55 years 0 Answers 719 views Newbie