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Master Python for Analytics Interviews

Topic – Master Python for Analytics Interviews

In this post, we will check all the resources that you would require to crack the Analytics interview’s Python round. You can very well cover the syllabus of Python in 7 days with The Data Monk, but this is for Analytics interviews. If you are targeting an SDE or DE role, then you need to grind Leetcode and DSA. We will also be covering these things in the future. But, this post is specifically for Analytics Interviews. Just try to follow the resources below.

Also, we cover most of the questions asked in the Python interview so that you can be a very strong candidate for any interview round.

The resources to Master Python for Analytics Interviews are split into 3 parts

1. Python Blogs on The Data Monk, we cover the most important concepts as well questions that are asked in the interviews
2. Python Most important concept videos – We have 40+ videos on YouTube freely available, these are not simple concepts or basic questions(like in other channels). We only concentrate on the most important concepts with respect to the interview questions
3. Python, Numpy and Pandas 200 Interview Questions in our master e-book bundle – This is the master set of questions, learn it and you will be able to solve more than 90% of questions in any Analytics interview round

Master Python for Analytics Interviews

We have already covered a lot of topics on Python Interview Questions on this website. Here, we will be putting in all the relevant and most important blogs.

Stag tuned !!

We have covered the most asked Python Interview concepts as well as questions asked in Analytics Interviews. But, we have put everything in our master e-book. Why??

Because Python alone can’t help you crack an Analytics interview, you need to learn SQL, Case Studies, Visualization tools, Big Data Technologies, and some of the niche concepts of Databases to stand a strong chance in clearing the interviews.

This e-book contains everything you need to become a full stack Analytics professional by solving questions across various topics like SQL, Python, ML, PowerBI, Big Data Technologies, etc.

This e-book is extremely helpful to freshers as well to people having 0-8 years of Analytics or non-analytics experience. You will never regret buying this ebook for the next few years.

Link to the 2200+ Interview Questions e-book

Python part in the above e-book :

– 200 Python Interview Questions
– 100 Pandas Interview Questions
– 100 Numpy Interview Questions
– 6 Machine Learning Algorithms in Python, completely explained in layman terms

How to purchase the e-book?

Please follow the easy steps mentioned in the post

  1. Sum, prod of digits, list in Python –
  2. Maximum and Minimum in Python –
  3. Factorial in Python –
  4. Dictionary Questions in Python –
  5. Palindrome Number in Python –
  6. Prime Number in Python –
  7. Simple and Compound Interest in Python –
  8. Separate Odd and Even elements from a List in Python –
  9. Rotate an array in Python –
  10. Split an array and add the first part at the end in Python –
  11. Fibonacci Series and its cases in Python –
  12. Prime Number and its cases in Python  –
  13. Fibonacci and cube sum in Python –
  14. Factorial and Armstrong in Python –
  15. Sum and largest of an array in Python –
  16. Largest element using 3 methods in Python –
  17. Matrix arithmetic operations in Python –
  18. Rotate array using reversal algorithm –
  19. Reverse a list in Python –
  20. Find the length of a list in Python 3 ways –
  21. 3 ways to find the 2nd largest of the list –
  22. 3 methods to check if element is present in the list –
  23. Swap elements in the list –
  24. Remainder of array multiplication divided by a number n –
  25. Swap elements in Python –
  26. Reverse a given list in Python –
  27. Break a list into chunks of size N in Python –
  28. Cloning or copying of list in python –
  29. Count of element in list in Python –
  30. Find tuple indices from other tuple list –
  31. Flatten tuple of list into tuple in Python –
  32. Removing elements from lists in Python –
  33. Print duplicates from a list in Python –
  34. Sort by frequency of 2nd element in tuple list –
  35. Sort values of first list using second list –
  36. Sum of digits in list in Python –
  37. Time Conversion in Python –
  38. Current Date and Time in Python  –
  39. Time Conversion in Python  –
  40. Selection Sort in simple terms in Python –
  41. Linear and Binary Search in simple terms –
  42. Insertion Sort in simple terms Python –

  1. Top 20 Pandas Functions asked in any interview –
  2. Complete Pandas Tutorial –
  3. Importing filed in Pandas –
  4. Apply, Map in Pandas –
  5. Apply Map –
  6. Lambda Functions –
  7. Slicing Data Frames –
  8. Treating Missing Values –
  9. Pivot Table in Pandas –
  10. Combining Data Frame –
  11. Group by  –
  12. Stacking –
  13. Type Conversion –

  1. Introduction to Machine Learning and AI –
  2. Introduction to Linear and Logistic Regression in Machine Learning –
  3. Introduction to Decision Tree in Machine Learning –
  4. Python Basics Revision in 30 minutes –
  5. EDA in Machine Learning –
  6. Linear Regression Theory and Code in 30 minutes (Python) –
  7. Logistic Regression Theory and Code in 30 minutes (Python) –
  8. Decision Tree Code and Theory in 30 minutes –
  9. Complete LSTM model with Stock price prediction at 98% accuracy – Code and Theory –
  10. Random Forest Adaboost Theory and Code in Python –
  11. Complete Support Vector Machine Algorithm, Theory and Code in Python –
  12. XGBoost Theory and Code in 30 mins in Python –
  13. K Nearest Neighbour KNN code and theory in 30 mins –
  14. Naive Bayes Theory and Code in 30 minutes in Python –
  15. K-Mean, Hierarchical and DBSCAN Theory and Code in Python –
  16. Association (Apriori, ECLAT, FP-Growth) Theory and Code in Python –
  17. Dimension Reduction Theory and Code in Python –
  18. Regression case study for Data Science Interview –

About TheDataMonkGrand Master

I am the Co-Founder of The Data Monk. I have a total of 6+ years of analytics experience 3+ years at Mu Sigma 2 years at OYO 1 year and counting at The Data Monk I am an active trader and a logically sarcastic idiot :)

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