How does the value of R squared and adjusted R Squared error change when you add new variable in your model?



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TheDataMonk 55 years 8 Answers 2079 views Grand Master 0

Answers ( 8 )

  1. When we add a new variable, the R2 always increases. It can be misleading.
    But the adjusted R2 may increase if new term improves the model more than expected and decrease if new term term improves the model less than expected.
    Adj R2 can be negative at times and is always less than R2.

  2. For every predictor you add in the model, the R^2 value goes on increasing but
    it is not necessary that the predictor you added plays a significant role in increasing
    the accuracy of the model. The adjusted R^2 adjusts for this artificial increase in
    the accuracy of the model and its value increases only if the predictor actually contributes
    to determine the target variable.

    R^2 assumes that every single variable explains the variation in the dependent variable.
    The adjusted R2 tells you the percentage of variation explained by only the independent
    variables that actually affect the dependent variable.

  3. R-squared or R2 explains the degree to which your input variables explain the variation of your output / predicted variable. So, if R-square is 0.8, it means 80% of the variation in the output variable is explained by the input variables. So, in simple terms, higher the R squared, the more variation is explained by your input variables and hence better is your model.

    However, the problem with R-squared is that it will either stay the same or increase with addition of more variables, even if they do not have any relationship with the output variables. This is where “Adjusted R square” comes to help. Adjusted R-square penalizes you for adding variables which do not improve your existing model.

    Hence, if you are building Linear regression on multiple variable, it is always suggested that you use Adjusted R-squared to judge goodness of model. In case you only have one input variable, R-square and Adjusted R squared would be exactly same.

    Typically, the more non-significant variables you add into the model, the gap in R-squared and Adjusted R-squared increases.

  4. R-squared or R2 explains the degree to which your input variables explain the variation of your output / predicted variable. So, if R-square is 0.8, it means 80% of the variation in the output variable is explained by the input variables. So, in simple terms, higher the R squared, the more variation is explained by your input variables and hence better is your model.

    However, the problem with R-squared is that it will either stay the same or increase with addition of more variables, even if they do not have any relationship with the output variables. This is where “Adjusted R square” comes to help. Adjusted R-square penalizes you for adding variables which do not improve your existing model.

    Hence, if you are building Linear regression on multiple variable, it is always suggested that you use Adjusted R-squared to judge goodness of model. In case you only have one input variable, R-square and Adjusted R squared would be exactly same.

    Typically, the more non-significant variables you add into the model, the gap in R-squared and Adjusted R-squared increases.

  5. Goodness of Fit:
    It shows that whether the sample represents the data which is expected in an actual population or not.

    Statistical measure of how close the data are to the fitted regression line.

    — In general higher the R2 value, the better the model fits your data.

    –When you add more independent variables the R2 value increases no matter what! Even when the added independent variable does not has high correlation.

    –Also addition of independent variables makes the model OVERFIT and deceives us for making precise predictions.


    —- Eg
    Take two models for comparison. One model has 5 independent variables and the other has just one independent variable.

    Now, do not conclude that the model with high R2 is better (which is obviously having more independent variables).

    — The solution is to compare the ADJUSTED R2 value.


    Its value only increases when the added variable actually improves the model by high correlation. If it doesn’t then adjusted R2 value decreases.

    In a model R2 is deceptive because it increases blindly when u keep adding independent variables. Even when their addition does not make the model better.

    But ADJUSTED R2 does not increase on simply addition of new terms. It adjusts upon the impact of those variables on the model. Hence is more reliable.

    ( I hope my explanation doesn’t overfit the required ans)

  6. Goodness of Fit:
    It shows that whether the sample represents the data which is expected in an actual population or not.

    Statistical measure of how close the data are to the fitted regression line.

    — In general higher the R2 value, the better the model fits your data.

    –When you add more independent variables the R2 value increases no matter what! Even when the added independent variable does not has high correlation.

    –Also addition of independent variables makes the model OVERFIT and deceives us for making precise predictions.


    —- Eg
    Take two models for comparison. One model has 5 independent variables and the other has just one independent variable.

    Now, do not conclude that the model with high R2 is better (which is obviously having more independent variables).

    — The solution is to compare the ADJUSTED R2 value.


    Its value only increases when the added variable actually improves the model by high correlation. If it doesn’t then adjusted R2 value decreases.

    In a model R2 is deceptive because it increases blindly when u keep adding independent variables. Even when their addition does not make the model better.

    But ADJUSTED R2 does not increase on simply addition of new terms. It adjusts upon the impact of those variables on the model. Hence is more reliable.

    ( I hope my explanation doesnt overfit the required ans :p )

  7. 1) R2 shows how well terms (data points) fit a curve or line. R2 increases with every predictor added to a model. As it never decreases, it can appear to be a better fit with the more terms you add to the model. This can be completely misleading
    Similarly, if your model has too many terms and too many high-order polynomials you can run into the problem of over-fitting the data. When you over-fit data, a misleadingly high R2 value can lead to misleading projections. Hence we use adjusted R2.

    2) Adjusted R2 also indicates how well terms fit a curve or line but adjusts for the number of terms in a model. R2 assumes that every single variable explains the variation in the dependent variable. The adjusted R2 tells you the percentage of variation explained by only the independent variables that actually affect the dependent variable. The adjusted R2 will penalize you for adding independent variables (K in the equation) that do not fit the model.

    Simply put, If you add more and more useless variables to a model, adjusted r-squared will decrease. If you add more useful variables, the adjusted r-squared will increase. Adjusted R2 will always be less than or equal to R2.

  8. R-squared increases every time you add an independent variable to the model. The R-squared never decreases, not even when it’s just a chance correlation between variables. A regression model that contains more independent variables than another model can look like it provides a better fit merely because it contains more variables.

    The adjusted R-squared adjusts for the number of terms in the model. Importantly, its value increases only when the new term improves the model fit more than expected by chance alone. The adjusted R-squared value actually decreases when the term doesn’t improve the model fit by a sufficient amount.

    The picture shows how the adjusted R-squared increases up to a point and then decreases. On the other hand, R-squared blithely increases with each and every additional independent variable.

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