What are the different Analytic functions available in SQL Server? FIRST_VALUE(): Returns the first value in an ordered set of values. If Partition By clause is specified then it returns First Value in ...
Continue readingLess asked SQL questions
We have already covered queries on joins, aggregate functions, sub-queries, running sum, etc.This article will concentrate on the theoretical part of SQL which are less asked but are important to know about1.What are the different types of statements ...
Continue readingSQL advance concepts
Advance concepts mostly involves knowledge of window functions, cleaning the data format, working with different date formats, etc. Before proceeding, you should actually go through different ways of casting data types and other widows functions.1.Create the cumulative revenue ...
Continue readingSQL Intermediate Questions
Let's get started with some intermediate level SQL queries. Try to frame an approach before hoping to the solution because once you see the answer you will find it easy to understand.I think there will be around 15 ...
Continue readingBasic Queries to get you started
I hope you have already read the introduction part where we discussed about the execution flow of all the clauses in SQL.Today we will discuss around 15 questions which shall give you a good launching pad to ...
Continue readingSQL Theoretical Questions
Following are the top 100 SQL Questions to clear your theoretical concepts. Few questions will be repeated from Day 10, 11, and 12. 1. What is a database?-A database is a collection of information in an organized form ...
Continue readingSQL one table 30 questions
SQL is your bread and butter. Let's take a table and try to answer few questions ranging from very basic to intermediate level.Emp Table - Employees at ...
Continue readingSQL Tricky Questions
You are already done with the basics of SQL on Day 10. No matter how good you are at it, there are some tricky questions which might confuse you in its trap. Below are some not so difficult ...
Continue readingSQL Basics to get you started
SQL stands for Structured Query Language and it is used to pull relevant data from the database. We assume that you already know a bit about SQL, so we will try to cover the base and then will ...
Continue readingSQL interview questions for Data Science and Business Analyst role
Before you start with the questions, make sure you have your basics clear. Look for explanation if you don't have enough context about some syntax or function. We have provided the table schema wherever required, in case the ...
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