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Import and Export Googlesheet in R using GoogleSheet4 packageRecently I was working to sync some data from R to AWS S3 bucket and Googlesheet.Problem Statement - R has retired the package googlesheet package and now you don't have ...

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Practice all the R Data Science Interview Questions. You can try to solve the same questions in Python also. Create your account by clicking on the Login area above and start practicing R Data Science Interview Questions.Once you ...

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Today is Day 10 and we will try to solve the top 10 R Interview questions. These questions will revolve around statistics and algorithms with case studies. Try to answer these R interview Questions Before ...

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install.packages("stringr")library(stringr) data = read.csv("C:/Users/User/Desktop/Hackathon/JantaHack/train.csv")head(data)str(data) data$product <- str_count(data$ProductList,";")+1head(data)data$hours <- with(data, difftime(endTime,startTime,units="hours") )data$min <- with(data, difftime(endTime,startTime,units="mins") )data$x <- as.double(data$endTime - data$startTime, units = "mins") table(data$product)hist(data$product) table(data$gender)count <- table(data$gender,data$product)barplot(count)str(data)head(data$ET)head(data$endTime)

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This is a cheat sheet which aims on giving all the important concepts in a very crisp manner. Just give it a read before starting a new project ...

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What are the data structure in R which helps in statistical analysis and graphical representation? Ans.) The following are the data structure in R which are widely used:- a.) Array b.)Matrix c.)Vector d.) Data frame e.) List f.) Tables What is class() function in R? Ans.) This ...

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