Feature Engineering is one place where you have to put in a lot of efforts. In the beginning of any project, you will have very less data, but then you need to dig in and torture the data ...
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Suppose you have 1000 rows of data and you want to make a model to predict whether a person is suffering from Thyroid. There are 15 columns with 15th one being a binary variable of 0(Normal) and 1 ...
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window.dojoRequire(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"mc.us17.list-manage.com","uuid":"e278f0e036c94ada952fffdf7","lid":"91b05372c4","uniqueMethods":true}) }) The word "Supervised" means monitoring. A supervised learning algorithm is one in which you train a data set on output and then the model takes up these ...
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Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, etc. If you are regular with news, then you must have heard a lot about these words. Let's try to understand things with examplesWhat is Big Data?In 1990s the size of data ...
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Supervised Learning is one of the most important part of Data Science realm. It is the part of Data Science where you supervise or have the output for a given set of inputs and you have to create ...
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