Can you join two table without any common column?


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TheDataMonk 55 years 17 Answers 2972 views Grand Master 0

Answers ( 17 )

  1. Using Cross Join:
    | A| B|
    | 1|puja|
    | 1| kop|
    | 2| lop|
    | 3| jop|

    | C| D|
    | 1| lo|
    | 2| ko|
    | 3| no|
    | 4| lo|

    scala> val res4=df1.crossJoin(df2).show
    | A| B| C| D|
    | 1|puja| 1| lo|
    | 1|puja| 2| ko|
    | 1|puja| 3| no|
    | 1|puja| 4| lo|
    | 1| kop| 1| lo|
    | 1| kop| 2| ko|
    | 1| kop| 3| no|
    | 1| kop| 4| lo|
    | 2| lop| 1| lo|
    | 2| lop| 2| ko|
    | 2| lop| 3| no|
    | 2| lop| 4| lo|
    | 3| jop| 1| lo|
    | 3| jop| 2| ko|
    | 3| jop| 3| no|
    | 3| jop| 4| lo|

  2. Sorry it a private answer.

  3. SELECT t1.Column1, t1.Column2, t2.Column3, t2.Column4
    FROM (
    SELECT Column1, Column2,
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Column1) AS rn
    FROM Table1) AS t1
    SELECT Column3, Column4,
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Column3) AS rn
    FROM Table2) AS t2
    ON t1.rn = t2.rn

  4. You can use ROW_NUMBER window function to create a calculated field that
    can be used to join the two tables together:

    SELECT t1.Column1, t1.Column2, t2.Column3, t2.Column4
    FROM (
    SELECT Column1, Column2,
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Column1) AS rn
    FROM Table1) AS t1
    SELECT Column3, Column4,
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Column3) AS rn
    FROM Table2) AS t2
    ON t1.rn = t2.rn

  5. Using cross join

    cross join
    ## No need to add common columns here
  6. Yes we can use cross join to join two table without any common column

  7. CROSS JOIN works without any common column between tables. It is a Cartesian Product of two tables.

  8. Yes, we can use a cross join to join two tables that don’t have any common column. CROSS JOIN is used to generate a paired combination of each row of the first table with each row of the second table. This join type is also known as cartesian join.

    The syntax of the CROSS JOIN in SQL :
    SELECT *
    FROM table1
    CROSS JOIN table2;

    The resultset row count will equal to multiplication of tables row counts that will be joined.

    NOTE: The Cartesian Product is a multiplication operation in the set theory that generates all ordered pairs of the given sets. Suppose that, A is a set and elements are {a,b} and B is a set and elements are {1,2,3}. The Cartesian Product of these two A and B is denoted AxB and the result will be like the following.
    AxB ={(a,1), (a,2), (a,3), (b,1), (b,2), (b,3)}

  9. Two tables can be combined without any common column using Cross Join.

    The CROSS JOIN is used to combine each row of the first table with each row of the second table. It is also known as the Cartesian join since it returns the Cartesian product of the sets of rows from the joined tables.

    In general, if the first table has n rows and the second table has m rows, the cross join will result in n x m rows.

  10. Yes we can join two table without common column name
    CROSS JOIN we use for doing the same

    SELECT *

  11. Yes we can join two table without common column name
    CROSS JOIN we use for doing the same

    SELECT *

  12. We can use cartesian join or cross join in order to join two tables with no common columns.


  13. 1. Cartesian Product – basically matching every row in the first table with every in the second table. I don’t know if this is what you need since if you have 100 rows in the first table and 100 rows in the second table, it will give you 10,000 rows! To achieve this:

    SELECT * FROM table1, table2

  14. We can use the Cartesian product, union, and cross-product to join two tables without a common column.

    SELECT * FROM tableA, tableB;

    SELECT column_list FROM tableA
    SELECT column_list FROM tableB

    SELECT tableA.Column1, tableB.Column1
    FROM tableA
    CROSS JOIN tableB
    WHERE tableB.Column1 = ‘value’;

  15. We can join two tables without a common column name using Cartesian product or Cross join
    1. Cartesian Product
    SELECT * FROM Table1, Table2
    2. Cross Join
    SELECT *
    FROM Table1
    CROSS JOIN Table2

  16. Yes, CROSS JOIN.
    CROSS JOIN is used to combine each row of a table_1 with another table. It is also known as cartesian join since it returns the cartesian product of the two tables.

    SELECT col_1, col_2, col_3…..
    FROM table_1
    CROSS JOIN table_2;

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