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Accenture Business Analyst Interview Question | Day 22

Accenture Business Analyst Interview Question

Today is Day 22 and we will work on the complete Accenture Business Analyst Interview Question

Company Name – Accenture
Location – Bangalore
Position – Business Analyst

Number of Rounds –  3
Round 1 – Technical Round(SQL and R)
Round 2 – Guesstimate Round
Round 3 – Project and HR Round

Following are the Accenture Business Analyst Interview Question

Round 1 – SQL and R
This was a face to face interview where questions were mostly asked around the basics of SQL and R. The interview lasted for 1 hour and following are the questions asked.

1. What is the use of NVL function in Oracle?
2. What is Correlated Subquery?
3. How to get the cumulative sum in a table with Date,Name_Of_Employee, and Age

Required table

Date Name_Of_Employee Age Cumulative_Age

Put your answers below:-

4. Explain different Joins in SQL using a venn diagram.

5. What is the result of following query?
select case when null=null then ‘Amit’ else ‘Rahul’ end from dual;
6. What is parser?

7.Can we have another column in a table other than a primary key column which will act as a primary key?

8. If a emp table is having duplicate emp_id then can we make it primary key?

9. How the triggers will execute if two or more triggers?
10. What is lapply and sapply?
11. Data.table vs. data.frame
12. [a-z A-Z 0-9 -.] what does this regex means?

Round 2 – There were just two Guesstimate Questions in this round

Guesstimate 1 – How many digital watches are sold per day in India
The solution is in the book. For guesstimate practice, you can click here

Guesstimate 2 – What is the size of the market for disposable diapers in India?
The Solution is in the book. For guesstimate practice, you can click here

Round 3 – Project and HR

My project was on using Linear Regression to predict the number of Solar Energy Systems the Client need to deploy to optimally meet the requirement

The questions asked were mostly on Linear Regression, measuring the accuracy of the model, and it’s implementation. Some of the questions asked in the interview were:-

1. Why did you use Linear Regression?
2. How many independent variables were there?
3. How did you figure out the important variables to consider in the model?
4. What is the use of p-value?
5. How will you make a layman understand Linear Regression?
6. What is R-Squared error?
A sample data set was provided and I was asked to calculate the Standard Deviation, R-squared error, and correlation
7. How did you implement the results of the model in your database?

These questions were followed by regular HR questions. The complete solution is in the book.

You can get your hand on our ebooks 

List e-books in the bundle for Rs. 549 (These books cost Rs. 2300 on Amazon)

1. 112 Questions to crack Business Analyst interview using SQL – The most important book of the package
2. 100 Supervised Learning Questions – To give a back ground of ML
3. 125 Must have Python Interview Questions – To start with Python
4. Visualization in Python – Covering Visualization in Python
5. 100 Power BI Questions – Covering Visualization in Power BI
6. Learn Statistics in Python – start getting better in Python
7. Top 300+Interview Questions in Data Science – Covering statistics,python,SQL,case studies,guesstimates
8. What do they ask in Top Data Science interviews – Part 1 – Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, OYO, Ola
9.What do they ask in Top Data Science interviews – Part 2 – Sapient, Amazon, Accenture, BookMyShow, Deloitte
10. Case Studies and Guesstimates for Interviews – More than 30 Case Interview Case studies and guesstimates

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